International Postgraduate Course on Functional Discourse
Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, Lisbon, Portugal
31 May-1 June 2010
In view of the
success of the previous pre-conference courses, an intensive
course on the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar will be
organized in the days preceding the conference to enable
linguists unfamiliar with the theory to prepare for it. The
course will be organized with doctoral students in mind. Please
inform your PhD students and colleagues unfamiliar with
Functional Discourse Grammar of this opportunity to acquaint
themselves with the theory and its applications. Further details
about registration will be provided in the second circular. To
be included on the mailing list for this course, please contact
us at
fg-fgw@uva.nl. |
The venue |
IPC-FDG-2010 will take place at the Centro Científico e Cultural
de Macau, Rua da Junqueira nº30, 1300-343 Lisboa, Portugal
and will be organized under the auspices of ILTEC (Instituto de
Linguística Teórica e Computacional), a research institute in
linguistics located in Lisbon, Portugal
http://www.iltec.pt/eng/instituto/index.html. |
Faculty |
All teachers of the course are active researchers in the
field of Functional Discourse Grammar.
Certificate |
Students participating in the course receive a certificate
specifying their attendance.