IC-FDG-2010: International Conference on Functional
Discourse Grammar
Lisbon, June 2010 |
First Announcement
International Conference on Functional Discourse Grammar
Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, Lisbon, Portugal
2-4 June 2010
preceded by
International Postgraduate Course on Functional Discourse
Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, Lisbon, Portugal
31 May-1 June 2010
followed by
Colóquio / Colloquium
gramática do Português do ponto de vista funcional
Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, Lisbon, Portugal
June 2010
Background and
objectives |
Since 1984, there has been a highly successful biennial series of
International Conferences on Functional Grammar (ICFG). At the
general meeting following the most recent of these conferences
(London, 2008), the decision was taken to orient future conferences
to Functional Discourse Grammar.
The aim of IC-FDG-2010 is accordingly to further elaborate the model
of Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG) as proposed by Kees Hengeveld
and J. Lachlan Mackenzie. A full treatment of FDG may be found in:
Hengeveld, Kees and Mackenzie, J. Lachlan 2008. Functional Discourse Grammar: A
typologically-based theory of language structure. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
The language of the
conference will be English.
All sessions will
be plenary.
A poster session
will be part of the programme.
The venue
IC-FDG-2010 will take place at the Centro Científico e Cultural de
Macau, Rua da Junqueira nº30, 1300-343 Lisboa, Portugal
and will be organized under the auspices of ILTEC (Instituto de
Linguística Teórica e Computacional), a research institute in
linguistics located in Lisbon, Portugal
Committee |
The members of the Organizing Committee are Prof Dr Maria Helena
Mira Mateus (Chair, ILTEC), Prof Dr J. Lachlan Mackenzie (ILTEC),
and Dr Carlos A.M. Gouveia (ILTEC), and Gerry Wanders as
International Secretary of the Functional Grammar Foundation (FGF). |
Programme Committee |
The board of the FGF has appointed the following Programme Committee
for IC-FDG-2010: Kees Hengeveld (chair), Maria Chondrogianni and
Lachlan Mackenzie. The Programme Committee will evaluate anonymized
abstracts and decide on their inclusion in the conference programme.
Abstracts submitted by members of the Programme Committee will be
evaluated by an independent member of the board of the FGF. |
Call for Abstracts |
Each abstract should contain at least the following items: a clearly
defined and well-motivated research question; the crucial examples
illustrating the relevance of the research question; and the main
conclusions of the paper. Abstracts should be approximately 1,000
words long, i.e. roughly 3 pages, and should not contain the name of
the author. References to literature cited should be provided in
addition to the 1,000 words. References containing the name of the
author may also be given but will be suppressed before the abstract
is sent to the programme committee. Please indicate in the
accompanying message whether you want to present a paper or a
poster. The deadline for the submission of abstracts of papers and
posters is Monday, 14 December 2009.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically to the International
Secretary of the FGF at
fg-fgw@uva.nl. |
Information on fees for Conference, Course and
Colloquium will be made available soon
Registration |
Will be available soon. |
Accommodation |
Information will be available in due time |
How you can reach us
The email address for all enquiries related to the Conference,
Course and Colloquium is