Bibliography Functional Grammar Series Web Papers in Functional Grammar
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Web Papers in Functional Grammar 

The first Working Paper in Functional Grammar (WPFG) appeared in 1985. In 2003 the name was changed into Web Papers in Functional Grammar (WPFG). To date, 81 issues of WPFG have been published, contributing to ongoing discussions within FG and raising new topics of concern.

 WPFG appears on an irregular basis and functions as a platform for the prepublication of papers, either to provoke reactions with a view to later official publication, or to circulate ideas that will take at least a year to appear in print.

2007  81. Roberto Gomes Camacho.  The argument structure of deverbal nouns in Brazilian Portuguese  (PDF)
    80.  Carmen Portero Muņoz. English 'NOUN + NOUN' sequences: their place in Functional Discourse Grammar  (PDF)


79.  Kees Hengeveld ed.  Morphology in Functional Discourse Grammar  (PDF)
              78.  Evelien Keizer. Term structure in FG: a modest proposal (PDF)


77. Matthew Anstey. Layers and Operators revisited. (PDF)
              76. Daniel García Velasco, Carmen Portero Muñoz. Understood Objects in Functional Grammar  (PDF)
  2001   75. Pilar Guerrero Medina, Reconsidering aspectuality : interrelations between grammatical and lexical aspect. (PDF)
  74. John Charles Smith, Illocutionary Conversion, Bystander Deixis, and Romance 'Ethic' Pronouns.
  2000   73. Francis Cornish. The Functional Grammar conception of discourse anaphora : a (constructive) critique. 
  1999   72. Casper de Groot, Hella Olbertz. Functional Grammar Publications 1978-1998. 
  71. Dik Bakker, Ewald Hekking. A functional approach to linguistic change through language contact. 
  70. Kwee Tjoe Liong. Adverbial clauses, FG, and the change from sentence grammar to discourse-text grammar. 
  69. Ahmed Moutaouakil. Exclamation in Functional Grammar : Sentence Type, Illocution or Modality ? 
  68. Kwee Tjoe Liong. Questions in the quasi-productive mode of the Functional Grammar model. 
  67. Dik Bakker. FG Expression Rules : from templates to constituent structure. 
  1998   66. Dik Bakker. Language change : some implications for the theory of Functional Grammar. 
  65. María Á. Gómez-González. Aspects of Topic and Topicality in Functional Grammar. 
  1997   64. Roman Kalisz, Wojciech Kubinski. Functional Grammar vs. Cognitive Linguistics. 
  63. Johan van der Auwera. Cosubordination.
  1996   62. Jacques François. Reference to space and time through local adpositions and local cases : beyond the proposals of C. de Groot, J.H. Connolly, and J.L. Mackenzie. 
  61. Kwee Tjoe Liong. Comments on some aspects of ProfGlot (explanatory notes and critical assessment). 
  60. Monika Klages-Kubitzki. A functional model of referential processes. 
  1995   59. [Martine Cuvalay. The E-structure in FG : towards a consistent treatment of Tense, Mood, Aspect and Illocutionary Force. ]
Cuvalay, Martine (1997) The Arabic verb. A Functional Grammar approach to verbal expressions in classical and mordern Arabic. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
  58. [Jan Rijkhoff. Bystander and social deixis.]
Rijkhoff, Jan (1998) 'Bystander deixis'. In: Yaron Matras (ed), The Romani elemant in non-standard speech, 51-67. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
  57. John H. Connolly. On the generation of internally complex English temporal satellite terms. 
  1994   56. Bart van Hoorick. Pragmatic positions and the history of English word order. 
  1993   55. Anna Siewierska. Semantic functions and theta-roles. 
  54. Louis Goossens. "Have" in a FG of English.
  53. Klaus Wedekind. Texterzeugung am Beispiel kuschitischer Narrativtexte. 
  52. Lourens de Vries. Notional and coded information roles. 
  51. Mario Brdar, Rita Brdar Szabo. FG and prototype theory : a case study from English, German, Croatian and Hungarian. 
  50. A. Moutaouakil. On the layering of underlying clause structure in FG. 
  49. Roger Marshall. Natural language, Graphics, Animation and Robotics : Formalizing the Semantic and Semiotic Nexus. 
  1992   48. Jo van den Hauwe. Progressive markers in a FG of Dutch. 
  47. [Lourens de Vries. Clause combining in spoken and written language : evidence from the oral languages of New Guinea.]
de Vries, Lourens (1993) 'Clause combining in oral Trans-New Guinea languages'. Text 13/4,481-502
  46. J. Lachlan Mackenzie. English spatial prepositions in FG. 
  45 Simon Dik, Peter Kahrel. ProfGlot : a multi-lingual natural language processor.
  44. [Hella Olbertz. The history of Spanish haber plus participle.]
Olbertz, Hella (1993) 'The grammaticalization of Spanish haber plus participle'. In: Jaap van Marle (ed) Historical Linguistics 1991. 243-263. Amsterdam: Benjamins 
  1991   43. * [M. Evelien Keizer. Referring in FG : how to define reference and referring expressions.]
  42. Ewa Zakrzewska. Predicative adjuncts in Polish and the Egyptian pseudo-participle : a contrastive analysis. 
  41. [Louis Goossens. The English progressive tenses and the layered representation of FG]
Goossens, Louis (1994) ' The English progressive tenses and the layered representation of FG'. In: C. Vet & C. Vetters, Tense and Aspect in discourse. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter
  40. A. Moutaouakil.  On representing implicated illocutionary force : grammar or logic? 
  1990   39. [Chris Butler. Functional Grammar and Systemic Functional Grammar : a preliminary comparison]
Butler, Christopher (2003) Structure and Function: a guide to three mayor structural-functional theories (2 volumes).   Amsterdam: John Benjamins
  38. * [Mike Hannay, J. Lachlan Mackenzie, M. Evelien Keizer. Pragmatic functions : the view from the VU.]
Mackenzie, J. Lachlan & Evelien Keizer (1991) 'On assigning pragmatic functions in English'. Pragmatics 1. 169-215
  37. [Simon Dik, Kees Hengeveld. The hierarchical structure of the clause and the typology of perception verb complements.]
Dik, Simon & Kees Hengeveld (1991) 'The hierarchical structure of the clause and the typology of perception verb complements'. Linguistics 29, 231-259
  36. Tim van Baar. The Dutch perspectivity particles in FG. 
  35. Cees Hesp. A critique of FG-CNLU. 
  34. Rodie Risselada. Illocutionary function and functional illocution. 
  1989   33. Rolandt Tweehuysen. An FG Analysis of Spocanian Passive Constructions. 
  32. Hella Olbertz. Periphrastic Aspect in Spanish. 
  31. Jan Nuyts. Functional Procedural Grammar : an overview. 
  30. Peter Harder. The instructional semantics of conditionals.
  1988   29. [Jan Rijkhoff. A typology of operators.]
Rijkhoff, Jan (1990) 'Towards a unified analysis of terms and predications'. In: Jan Nuyts, Machtelt Bolkestein & Co Vet (eds) Layers and levels of representation in language theory, 165-192. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins
  28. Johan van der Auwera. On the position of Dutch complementizers. 
  27. [Kees Hengeveld. Layers and operators. ]
Hengeveld, Kees (1989) 'Layers and operators in Functional Grammar'. Journal of Linguistics 25.1. 127-157
  26. Evelien Keizer. Definiteness and indefiniteness : a scalar representation.
  1987   25. Lachlan Mackenzie. The representation of nominal predicates in the fund : a new proposal. 
  24. [Hetty Voogt. Constructing an FG lexicon on the basis of LDOCE. ]
Voogt-van Zutphen (1989) 'Towards a lexicon of Functional Grammar'In: John H. Connolly & Simon Dik (eds) Functional Grammar and the computer, 151-176. Dordrecht: Foris
  23. [Kees Hengeveld. A functional analysis of copula constructions in Mandarin.]
Hengeveld, Kees (1990) "A functional analysis of copula constructions in Mandarin Chinese'. Studies in language 14.2 291-323
  22. [Kees Hengeveld. The Spanish mood system.]
Hengeveld, Kees (1988) 'Illocution, mood and modality in a Functional Grammar of Spanish'.  Journal of semantics 6.3-4. 227-269
  21. [Jan Nuyts. Negatives are not fond of travelling. A cognitive-pragmatic reconsideration of negative raising.]
Nuyts, Jan (1990) 'Negative raising reconsidered: arguments for a cognitive-pragmatic approach'.  Journal of pragmatics 14.4 559-588
  20. [Casper de Groot. Predicate formation in FG.]
Groot, Casper de (1986) 'Predicate formation in Functional Grammar'. Acta Linguistica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae 36/1-4. 69-91
  19. Bieke van der Korst. Twelve sentences : a translation procedure in terms of FG.
  1986   18. [Simon Dik. Two papers on the computational application of FG.]
published as two papers:
Dik, Simon (1987) 'Functional Grammar and its potential computer applications'. In: W.J. Meijs (ed) Corpus linguistics and beyond'. 253-268. Amsterdam: Rodopi
Dik, Simon (1987) 'Generating answers from a linguistically coded knowledge base'. In: Gerard Kempen (ed) Natural language generation: new results in artificial intelligence, psychology and linguistics. 301-314. Dirdrecht: Martinus Nijhoff
  17. * [Lourens de Vries. The Wambon relator system.]
  16. Co Vet. A pragmatic approach to tense in FG.
  15. Lachlan Mackenzie. Aspects of nominalization in English and Dutch.
  14. [Jan Rijkhoff. Word order universals revisited : the principle of Head Proximity.]
Rijkhoff, Jan (1986) 'Word order universals revisited: the principle of Head Proximity'. Belgian Journal of Linguistics. 1. 95-125.
  13. Albert Rijksbaron. The pragmatics and semantics of conditional and temporal clauses ; some evidence from Dutch and Classical Greek. 
  12. Casper de Groot, Machiel Limburg. Pronominal elements : diachrony, typology and formalization in FG. 
  11. [Simon Dik. On the notion 'Functional Explanation'.]
Dik, Simon (1986) 'On the notion Functional Explanation'. Belgian Journal of Linguistics. 1. 11-52.
  10. * [A. Moutaouakil. Towards an adequate representation of illocutionary force in FG.]
   9. [Simon Dik. Linguistically motivated knowledge representation.]
Dik, Simon C. (1987) 'Linguistically motivated knowledge representation'. In: M. Nago (ed) Language and artificial intelligence. 145-170. Amsterdam: North-Holland
   8. [Machtelt Bolkestein. Parameters in the expression of embedded predications in Latin.]
Bolkestein, A. Machtelt (1989) 'Parameters in the expression of embedded predications in Latin'. In: G. Calboli (ed) Subordination and other topics in Latin. 3-35. Amsterdam: Benjamins
  1985    7. [Louis Goossens. The auxiliarization of the English modals.]
Goossens, Louis (1987) 'The auxiliarization of the English modals: a Functional Grammar view'. In: Martin Harris & Paolo Ramat (eds) Historical development of Auxiliaries,  111-143. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter
   6. Liesbeth Afman. Les constructions pronominales en français.
   5. Luke Zimmermann. Subordinate clauses in Australian aboriginal languages. 
   4. Peter Kahrel. Some aspects of derived intransitivity. 
   3. Gerard Steen. Grammar and metaphor. The consequences of an anomaly. 
   2. [Simon Dik. Copula auxiliarization : how and why ? ]
Dik, Simon C. (1987) 'Copula auxiliarization: how and why?'. In: Martin Harris & Paolo Ramat (eds) Historical development of Auxiliaries,  53-84. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter
   1. Martin Harris. Word order in contemporary French : a functional view.

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