12th ICFG  2006 Archives ICFG 
The Conference
Postgraduate Course
12th ICFG  2006

Top PageConference  and Course Fee

The  fees, in Brazil Reais, are as follows:





R$ 170,00

appr. Euro 60,00

Course (includes conference)

R$ 290,00

appr. Euro 100,00








R$ 140,00

appr. Euro 50,00

Course (includes conference)

R$ 225,00

appr. Euro 80,00

Since bank taxes are very high in Brazil, fees can be paid upon registration only.

Brazilian participants are offered the possibility to pay the fee in advance , before April 1, 2006, as well as upon registration. Due to a partial grant by the Brazilian Government for all Brazilian participants the fees for Brazilians will be:


before April 1, 2006

Upon registration


R$ 60,00

R$ 75,00

Course (includes conference)

R$ 100,00

R$ 120,00



before April 1, 2006 Upon registration


R$ 50,00

R$ 65,00

Course (includes conference)

R$ 80,00

R$ 100,00

Brazilian participants may transfer the payment to Banco Banespa, bank account number 0715-60-501429-6-, payable to Marize Mattos Dall Aglio Hattnher e/ou Sandra Denise Gasparini Bastos.  If you pay in advance we kindly ask you to fax the receipt of your bank transfer to  FAX number   55 17 32212474   or   55 17 32248692, Mrs Sandra Denise Gasparini Bastos, Departamento de Letras Modernas, IBILCE/UNESP. 
We will send you a confirmation after receipt of the fax.

Top PageRegistration
Please pre-register using the web-form.

Print PageTop Page © Functional Grammar - last update 22 October 2007