
You can search the online bibliography using any combination of the three fields Author(s)/ Editor(s), Year, and Title. If you just fill in '2000' in the Year field, you will get all items in the database published in 2000, irrespective of  author and title. If you just fill in 'Moutaouakil' in the Name field, you will get all publications by Ahmed Moutaouakil, irrespective of year and title. If you do not fill in any of the fields, you will get a complete list of all publications in the database.

The searches are non-boolean, i.e. within the fields you have to fill in the required text you are searching for in linear order. So if you fill in 'Simon C. Dik' in the Author(s)/Editor(s) field your search will not produce any results, whereas if you fill in 'Dik, Simon C.' you will get all publications by Simon C. Dik. Similarly, if you fill in 'Dik, Simon C.' in the Author(s)/Editor(s) field, '1997' in the Year field and 'theory grammar' in the Title field you will not get any results, but if you enter 'theory of functional grammar' in the Title field instead, you will find two references.

Finally, in the Author(s)/Editor(s) field there is no way to distinguish between first and last names other than by order and punctuation, so if you just fill in 'Dik' you will get publications by both Simon Dik and Dik Bakker. The only way to distinguish between the two is to use 'Dik, Simon' for the first and 'Bakker, Dik' for the second.

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