13th International Conference
on Functional Grammar
Adverbial conjunctions: on the lexical/grammatical
novel |
Taísa Peres de Oliveira,
Universidade Estadual Paulista, São
José do Rio Preto, Brazil
It has been claimed that adverbial
conjunctions, or at least some, may join the FDG category of
predicates. The work witnessed in Pérez Quintero (2004,
2006), Hengeveld and Wanders (2007), and Oliveira (2008) has
developed the notion of lexical conjunctions analyzed by the
means of an Adpositional predicate. Given the lexical status
of conjunctions, one question still remains: which
conjunctions are lexical or grammatical. In this sense, if we
do recognize that some languages may have a set of lexical
conjunctions, we still need to elaborate on the set of
criteria used to separate the two categories. Taking Keizer
(2007) paper on lexical/grammatical distinction, I analyze the
whole class of adverbial conjunctions on Brazilian Portuguese
in order to (i) test the criteria proposed by Keizer and (ii)
verify where to place the cut for conjunctions on this
language. The main hypothesis underlying this paper is that
FDG provides two main criteria to be used in order to provide
the lexical/grammatical distinction for words: (i) ascriptive
function and (ii) meaning definition. A secondary hypothesis
is that BP provides a set of lexical conjunctions and a
smaller one of grammatical conjunctions to cover each
adverbial relation. Thus, when the criteria are applied to
Brazilian Portuguese, they show that this language does
dispose of a wide set of lexical conjunctions, which do
lexically specify the relation between two clauses, and a
smaller one, formed of abstract grammatical conjunctions, that
indicates the kind of semantic relation holds between two
References: |
K. & G. Wanders, 2007. Adverbial conjunctions in
Functional Discourse Grammar. In: M. Hannay & G. Steen
(eds.) The English clause: Usage and structure.
Amsterdam: Benjamins.
E. 2007.
The lexical-grammatical dichotomy in FDG. Revista
Alfa. Advances in Functional Discourse Grammar, v. 51,
n. 2, 35-56.
T. P. 2008. Conjunções
e orações condicionais no português do Brasil. (Doctoral Thesis),
UNESP, Araraquara.
Quintero, Mª J. 2004. Adpositions in FG: Has this Cinderella been Invited to
the Ball? Words
in Their Places:
Festschrift for J. Lachlan Mackenzie. Amsterdam: Vrije
Universiteit, pp. 153-168.
Quintero, Mª J. 2006. On
the Lexical/Grammatical Status of Adverbial Conjunctions
in FDG. Oliva, J.I., McMahon, M. & M. Brito (eds.)
On the Matter of Words: In Honor of Lourdes Divasson
Cilveti. La
Laguna: Servicio de Publicaciones,