13th ICFG 2008
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13th International Conference on Functional Grammar

Multi-preposition constructions in English
Evelien Keizer,
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam,The Netherlands

Although a great deal of attention has been paid, in various theoretical frameworks, to verb-preposition constructions,1 very little research has been done on constructions with multiple prepositions.2 Like simple verb-preposition constructions, these constructions come in various kinds, some of which are exemplified in (1)-(4): 

I.  “Phrasal verb” constructions (cf. Collins Cobuild English Grammar, 1990:169-170):
Intransitive: (1) a. His girlfriend walked out on him.  
b. I couldn’t put up with his paranoia.  
Transitive: (2) a. We tried to talk her out of it. 
b. I’m sure they put him up to it.

 II.  “Non-phrasal verb” constructions:

Intransitive: (3) a. John went up unto the roof.
b. He lives over in Wales.
Transitive: (4) a. We put the junk down onto the floor.
b. Sue left the chairs uot in the garden

The aim of this paper is to provide a detailed description of English multi-preposition constructions and to propose an analysis of these constructions within the framework of FDG (e.g. Hengeveld & Mackenzie 2006, in press). It is believed that the paper will help to develop the theory of FGD in two ways: it will apply the theory to an as yet largely unexplored set of English data, and, by seeking to provide the constructions in question with an FDG-analysis, will serve to test the viability of the general architecture of FDG.

Authentic data (from the BNC, ICE-GB and the Internet) will be used (i) to find out whether other types of multi-preposition construction need to be distinguished apart from those in (1)-(4); and (ii) to test the tenability of the preliminary analyses provided in Section 3. To this end, a number of semantic and syntactic tests will be applied to the data. The semantic tests will relate to matters of meaning, valency and preposition selection; the syntactic tests will involve alternative placement of the prepositional unit(s) (fronting, clefting, questioning, relativization), coordination, modifier placement and reversibility.

For a detailed discussion of verb-preposition constructions and brief overviews of the literature see e.g. Gries (1999) and Dehé (2002). For an FDG treatment, see Keizer (fc.)).
Occasional examples can be found in Den Dikken (1995: 144) and Gries (1999: 110).

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  • Dehé, N. 2002. Particle verbs in English. Syntax, information structure and intonation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  • Dikken, M. den 1995. Particles. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

  • Gries, S.T. 1999. Particle movement: A cognitive and functional approach. Cognitive Linguistics 10, 105-145.

  • Hengeveld, K.., Mackenzie, J.L. 2006. Functional Discourse Grammar. In: Brown, K.  (ed.), Encyclopedia of language and linguistics. Oxford: Elsevier, 668-676.

  • Hengeveld,  K. , Mackenzie, J.L. in press, 2008. Functional Discourse Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Keizer, M.E. fc. Verb-preposition constructions in Functional Discourse Grammar.

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