13th ICFG 2008
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13th International Conference on Functional Grammar

FG and language teaching at universities: succesful cases
Paolo Driussi,
Universitŕ degli Studi de Udine, Udine, Italy

In my poster I would like to show the advantages offered by Dik's FG in language teaching. The specific case is Hungarian teaching to university students, adults who attained for the first time Hungarian classes.

In most available manuals the teaching model is preferably derived from German or English teaching models, with a corresponding grammatical description quite far from that of Hungarian. This is particularly true if seen through a linguist experience and scope, especially because many considerations obviously mirror the problems Hungarian speakers are used to face in the grammar of their mother tongue.  

In avoiding these limits FG demonstrates itself easy to introduce and reliable. A first important (though limited) attempt at using it has already been done by Hegedűs (2004).  

For Hungarian language is distinctive a special stress on pragmatics, that is also so important in FG. Other approaches have to justify some features of this language (see É. Kiss and Horváth) that FG can explain at much ease.  

To the scholar, teaching using FG is also an opportunity for better studying the language itself, because the problems that arise with foreign students allow for more attention to some questions previously not even seen. In this it is very helpful for deeper ingoing into some aspects of language.  

But FG offers further advantages. Its application helps students avoiding some parallels and prejudices that can lead to mistakes. Moreover FG is especially helpful in explaining features of language that in other theoretical frames can't have a homogenous traitment.
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  • Hegedűs, Rita 2004. Magyar nyelvtan. Formák, funkciük, összefüggések. Budapest: Tinta (Segédkönyvek a nyelvészet tanulmányozásához XXIX.)

  • Horvath, Julia 1986.   Focus in the theory of grammar and the syntax of Hungarian. Dordrecht: Foris.

  • É. Kiss, Katalin  1981a. "Structural relations in Hungarian, a “Free” Word Order language", in Linguistic Inquiry 12, 185-218.

  • É. Kiss, Katalin  1981b. "Topic and Focus: the Operators of the Hungarian sentence", in Folia Linguistica XV, 305-330.

  • É. Kiss, Katalin  1987.Configurationality in Hungarian. Budapest: Akadémiai kiadó.


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